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What is Craft Beer? /


We love craft beer and we love to try new craft beer... but, what is craft beer?
This time, we would like to explain the definition of craft beer in the US.

The Brewers Association defines craft brewers as small, independent, and traditional.
These characteristics are further defined as:
  • Small: An annual production of 6 million barrels of beer or less.
  • Independent: Less than 25% of the brewery is owned by an alcohol beverage industry member who is not itself a craft brewer.
  • Traditional: The majority of the produced alcohol volume is in beers whose flavors are derived from traditional or innovative ingredients and their fermentation.
  • 小規模: 年間のビール醸造量が6百万樽以下であること。
  • 独立: クラフトビールを醸造していないアルコール飲料産業の醸造所の所有権は、25%以下であること。
  • 伝統: 醸造アルコールの大部分が、伝統的または画期的な材料・醗酵技術で醸造されたビールであること。

When we think about why we love craft beer, we think of these same three reasons.
We enjoy visiting small breweries where we can talk to and get to know the brewers. We enjoy the special beers from independent brewers who can create unique and interesting beers.
We also respect craft brewers’ craftsmanship and creativity, they always challenge us in many ways, such as brewing a beer with very simple traditional ingredients by a very innovative method or brewing a beer by a traditional method but with very innovative ingredients which no one has tried before.

So what is craft beer? We believe that craft beer is the beer brewed by craft brewers. Craft brewers create craft beer. ということで、クラフトビールとは、クラフトブリューワーによって醸造されたビールのことだと解釈できます。

According to the Brewers Association, in 2016, the number of breweries in the US increased to more than 5,200 and the American craft beer market is still expanding!
We hope that the craft beer field will become even bigger and that a larger variety of people will enjoy craft beer in 2018!

Cheers! 🍻✨
George and Yuki
Drink With US! Team

にほんブログ村 酒ブログ 海外ビール・地ビールへ にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 実用英語・使える英語へブログランキングに参加中です!🍺
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